Solana: Is there a way to create custom libraries for Solana?

Creating custom libraries for Solana: Guide

Solana is a fast and scalable blockchain platform that allows programmers to build decentralized applications (DAPP) using the native Rust programming language. One of the most exciting functions is the support of non -standard libraries that allow programmers to create reusable components and modules that can be easily integrated with their DAPP.

** What are non -standard libraries?

In the context of the Solan Library, the Custom Library is an independent module that provides a specific functionality or set of functions. These libraries can be loaded into the code while performing, enabling programmers to re -use the code in many projects and reduce effort.

** How can I create custom libraries for Solana?

Creating custom libraries for Solana is relatively simple. Here is a step by step guide:

  • Choose library framework : Solana provides raw library framework, including the “Solana-Librarian” chest, which was specially designed for building libraries on the platform.

  • Write the library code : Create a non -standard library code in rust or other compatible language. Remember to follow the best practices and follow the library guidelines.

  • This will create a “.ln” file that can be sent to Solana Testnet or Mainnet.


  • Load the library in the code : In the DAPP code, use the “Solana-SDK” chest (including Solana SDK) to load and use a non-standard library.

Sample Custom Library: Simple counter

Let’s create a simple meter library that increases the meter value every time it is called:


Use Solana_SDK :: Pubkey :: Pubkey;

Use Solana_SDK :: Program_error :: {error, programresult};

Use Solana_SDK :: Transaction :: Transaction;

Struct counter {

Count: U64,


Implica counter {

Fn new () -> Loan {

Loan {count: 0}


FN increase (and mut loan) -> programresult {

Let the MUT transaction = transaction :: new ();

*Self.count += 1;

transaction.sign (self.key);

Self.key.sign (transaction);

OK (())



Pub FN Init () -> & Dyn counter {

Counter :: new ()


Using a custom library in the code

Solana: Is there a way to create custom libraries for Solana?

To use the custom library at DAPP, you can load it into the code and cause its methods:


Use Solana_SDK :: Pubkey :: Pubkey;

Use Solana_SDK :: Program_error :: {error, programresult};

Use Solana_SDK :: Transaction :: Transaction;

Fn main () -> result <(), error> {

Let Key = Pubkey :: from_str ("Your-Key").

Let the number = Init ().

loop {

Counter.increment ()?;


// ... (do something else)




Creating custom libraries for Solana is a powerful way to expand the platform’s ability and build more complex DAPPS. By following these steps, you can create your own components and reusable modules that can be easily integrated with DAPP projects.

Although this guide contains a review of the process, it should be noted that the creation and transmission of custom libraries for soothing requires a good understanding of rust programming and salted ecosystem. If you are new in Solan or Rust, consider examining official documentation and tutorials before diving.

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