Ethereum: Please help me how to calculate the correct function name in bytes 4

Here is a state -of -the -art function of the Function in Bytes 4 in Solidnost (tongue, used ethereum).

Ponimania Name of Function in Solidno

At the work with the inteling of contract, the one -sided problem is to find out the right name of the Function 4. Come on Tom how it is to rush Field

** What is the byte 4?

In the solidnosty type of data “bytes” can be exposed to zero, using the keyword “pad” or Zeropad. When you impose a stack with the help of a nail, the resulted string of the "byt" or simply "bytes 4". This indicates that on each symbol in the Eastern Strike will be distinguished by the quadruce of the byte.

Ponimania Name of Function

In the solidnost name, the function of the features is presented with the help of the parts of the part. When you determine the function, its name is a part of this stroke. Problem appears to work with functions, which use the exponening for the creation of the decayed long or structure for the name of the function.

Here's the Primer:

Pragma Polidy ^0.8,0;

MYContract {

string memory functionsname = “MyFunction”; // This will allocate 4 bytes for “Functionname”



In this case, the Functionname is highlighted by 4 bytes, and the factual name is renewed in the strike.

Function Names in Bytes 4

Ethereum: Please help me how to calculate the correct function name in bytes 4

Now let’s mind how to disperse the right -wing function in the bytes 4 ..


  • Using strict manipulations : You can use string.length, to get the longing of the pads of the function and scatter the left-handed byte for the form.


Here’s the primer fragments of the code, which demonstrates these grips:


Pragma Polidy ^0.8,0;

MYContract {

string memory functionsname = “MyFunction”; // 11 Chars, So 6 Bytes are highlighted

Function MyFunction () Public Pure Earings (String Memory) {

// Read the remaining bytes, which are not intended for forming 4-bite mint strokes

uint256 paddingneeed = 12 – functions.length;


Uint256 [] memory paddingbytes = new uint256 [] (paddingneed);

For (Uint256 I = 0; I

paddingbytes [i] = bytes (1); // Prapping with zero, pre -naive minimal lin 4 bytes


Return Function_name;




In this primer, we disperse the remaining bytes, which are not intended for the formation of the 4-bite mint and the deduction of these byte on the basis of this comb. Note, this is all the way; You can make a correction of the sinks on your concrete tracking.


Flattering the right name of the function in the bytes 4 can be a difficult task with the work with the intrateical counteract, written in solidnost. The topic does not less, the obscure behind the siphotia, the techniques of manipulating the slopes or the sets of the symbols, you can bring out the Eastern function of the function and to highlight the pulling. All the way to dissatisfied your shaking and correction of any potential calculation of the interstitial versions of the wickedness.

Holly, this is helpful! If you have a number -liner question, or you are needed by add -on, do not ask you.

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