Ethereum: Why is it possible to have multiples addresses in an output of a transaction?

Understanding the Output of Ethereum Transactions and Solving Plurality

While tryping to load your ethereum blockchain in mysql database, it is crucial to understand that the etherum transactions are structured, eSpecially when it comes to output values. In this article, we will enter into whyeum Allows More Addresses in the Transaction Output and Explore Implications for Data Storage.

The Transaction is coming out

Ethereum Transaction usualy has one entrance (also Known as the Address ‘s’) and one or more output (also Known as ‘to’ Addresses). Each output value is associated with a unique address that may be either a private key or a public address. When you send funds from a multiple output entrance, each output value recoives an appropriate amount of ether.

Problem: multiple addresses in one transaction

In Ethereum there are cases where it it is Possible to have More Addresses Within the Same Exit Transactions. This is known as “more addresses” or “nested addresses”. To Get Rid of It, The Ethereum Protocol Uses A Mechanism Called “Coding Address”, which allows you to store multiple addresses.

When you create a new ethereum account, your public address is an Example of Such encoding. If you have more accounts with differentent public addresses (eg 0x ... 0x … ), Both Can Exist in the same transaction output, althegh they are separated.

MySQL Data Consideration

To Learn Your Ethereum Blockchain in MySQL Database, You Will Need to Convert The Raw Transactions From Ethereum's JSON-LL Format (Standard to Present Etheum Transactions) in A More Managed Format. When you do this, you can encounter problems with storage and inquiring multiple addresses in one output.



In mysql columns or tables can only have a certain number of values; Each Value must be Different from the Others. However, when interference An Ethereum transaction output with multiple addresses (EC,0x …,0x …, and0x … ‘), basically creating one column that stores three separate series of addresses.

In order to deal with this limit, mysql supports the “table variables” or “temporary tables”, which allow you to store value in one multi -row column. You can create a temporary table with a statement of the create table 'and fill it with your e ethereum transaction information:


- Create A Temporary Storage Table of Ethereum Output Addresses

Create A Temporary Ethereum_Outputs Table (

Varchar (42) Address, - Assuming That 42 Character Limits per Address

Value Decimal (8, 5) // Save Ete Amounts in Decimal Format


- Insert The Ethereum Transactions in the Temporary Table

Insert Into Ethereum_Outputs (Address, Value)


'0x ...',

'0x ...',

"0x ..."

From your_transation_data;

- Ask a temporary table access table in one output

Choose the Address, the Value of the Frometherum_Outputs Where the Address is in ('0x ...', '0x ...');

Keep in mind that this approach assumes that you use mysql version 8.0 or newer, which supports creates a temporary table and clausein for inquiry.


In Short, Ethereum Allows Multiple Addresses Within A Single Transaction Output Due to Address Code. To Learn Your Ethereum Blockchain in MySQL Database, You Can Create Temporary Tables with Separate Columns for Each Address In The Transaction Output. By Using the Table Variables or Stored Procedures, You Can Effective Store and Ask This Information, Avoiding Limitations in Resolving Columns.

I hope this this article Helped Clarify the concept of multiple addresses at the Ethereum Transaction Output and Provised Guidelines on how to work Around MySQL’s Resolution of Column Restriction.


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