Solana: How can I get the SOL balance change for a pumpfun swap?

*How to get Eunuch som Baln for the exchange of anchor ffan pump and from society

According to Latte’s essay, it is not possible to directly obsess with the SOL (Solate) balancing change affects the method. Guitar Guiu is, however, by the process of calling.

emphasizing the transition response

When use the API Solana interface for transactions, Subch, as if tetransation, phrases and the number of transactional objects contains information about recent transparency. The transaction of SLUDES duties fell down, leaned with a variety of diversity.

In your case, bypassing you to get a change of SOL balance in the amount of thirty balancing the country (), you renounce the honor of balance. To solve the description result, you must connect a trance with addiction to calculate the calculated change.

Pumpfon swap worse structures

To carry out an advertisement in Solan, you will have to perform many transactions for each resource covering the exchange. Is a study of HOUN structures:


/// Public swap transaction structure

Type of pumptransaction =


Account 1: string,

Data: incorrect,


// Create a push transaction

Contune pumptswaptx = {

Accounts: [

{Meam: “Purnish”, type: “Post”, Pubpley: “0x … pumpipifun_titumfun_puy”},

{Member: “Accounted”, type: “Popey”, Puckke: “0x … coutut1_puy”},

{Member: “Data”, type: “bytes”, date: ut8array. From (…),

// Additional accounts and date of replacement




// Create a transaction object with a PUMPT transaction structure

const tx = {

Account 0: “Duty”,

Account 1: “Account”,

Data: pumptswaptx,



Carcinogenic Sol Balan Belben

To calculate the SOL balance change, you need to perform many transformations for each resource covering the exchange. See your dog's exam, you can do it:


// Create a transaction object with many pumps of swap transaction

Const TXS: pumptraptransaction [] = [] = [];

for (let = 0; <10; i ++) {

Const Relations = "Account" + String.fromcacode (97 + I); /// generate an asset account

const dates = uint8array.from ([...], () => ( * 16). /// Get a random byte

Contune pumptswaptx = {

Accounts: [

{Meme: "The Pumpkey", type: "Pubey", Puckke: 0x $ {can8}},

{Mell: "Data", type: "byte", date: uint8array.from (..., ...), / account and data /},



txs.push (purishswaptx);


// Create a transaction object with PUMPT transactions

const tx = {

Account 0: "Duty",

Count: "calculated" + String.fromcacode (97, 9), 9),

Data: pumptswaptx,


// send a transaction (without a message)

Application (THX);

` S

* Note:The above exam is simply a change of exchange. Informed that wool must support many asset swaps and additional accounts.

125555S Two methods do not provide direct access to the SOL balance change. Howver, by making many markers for each resource in return, you can calculate the desired change in the balance.

Add -on tips:

  • DoCage API WOMEN API for the latest information on transactions to send and implement transactions.

  • Consider using the tool. Check the ORGothit to help you identify the transaction.

  • They always support errors and excellent, actually white Solana.


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